How to remove blackheads/whiteheads from nose & chin with home remedies

Hi all..This topic is about how to remove blackheads & whiteheads from your face..It is a common problem of all gender ..It occur when pores become clogged..

Noremally hair grows from hair follicles in the pores & the sebum producing sebaceous glands lie underneath..When these pores are plugged,the dead skin cells in the open pore react with oxygen in the air & turn black forming a blackhead..The increased oil production causes whiteheads & clogged pores..One cause of blocked pore is hormonal changes,which are common triggers of acne... 


  • Sweating 
  • Excessive oil production
  • High level of humidity in environment
  • Birth control pills
  • Genetic predisposition 
  • Certain products or cosmetics meant for facial use 
  • Hormonal changes during puberty,pregnancy & mensuration

Here i will give you some home remedies to remove blackheads & whiteheads immediately ..Here we go..

1.charcoal face mask :

 Take one table spoon of Charcoal powder & one table spoon of Gelatin powder then add some water & mix it..Then warm it with double boiling process..Then wash your face with your favorite face wash then steam your face & apply a thick layer of charcoal face mask on your nose & chin & allow it to dry then peel up the face mask ..Then apply a toner on your nose & chin & then apply your favorite moisturizer..
Charcoal powder helps to detoxify your skin & remove the dirt & impurity on your skin pores..

2.Egg white

Take an egg & separate the egg white then whip it to get a smooth texture then add half of lemon juice in it..mix it well..Then wash your face & steam your face for 1 minute ,it will open your pores..Then apply this mask on your blackheads area.Leave it at least 15 minutes then peel the mask from your face..Then apply a toner on that area & then apply your moisturizer ..Egg white contain albumin,protein & helps to tighten the skin pores & secretion of sebum will reduced,thereby the black spot reduced..

3.Baking soda

First wash your face with face wash then steam your face with hot water then take one table spoon of baking soda & little bit of toothpaste then mix it & apply it on your blackheads area & scrub it with a toothbrush for 5 minute  then wash your face then apply your favorite moisturizer...Baking soda helps neutralize your skin pH,your skin will start to produce less oil..

4.Orange peel powder

First clean your face then steam your face...
Then take one table spoon of orange peel powder & one table spoon of gelatin & add few drop of water then warm it with double boiling process then apply on your blackheads area & allow it to dry then peel up on your skin ...Then wash your face & apply a thick moisturizer on your face..
Orange peel powder works like an astringent & is known to absorb excessive oil or sebum from oily skin..

5.Turmeric powder 

First wash your face with your face wash then steam your face....Then take one table spoon of turmeric powder & one table spoon of rice flour,squeeze half of lemon in it & two table spoon of honey then mix it well...then apply it one your skin & allow it to dry then take some water on your hand & scrub your face then wash your face & apply a thick moisturizer on your face ...
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties,it not only will help reduce the appearance of blackheads,it can help prevent them in the first place..Rice flour is a bit coarse in it's texture which makes it an excellent material to be a scrub.the fine particle helps the flaky dead skin cells leave your skin in an easier way,rice will absorb all the excessive oil & sebum on your skin & make your skin clean,smooth & re-energetic..& remove blackheads..

Except all these remedies you have to wash your skin usually to remove dirt, pollution on your skin...


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