How to do skin lightening manicure at home & get a wrinkle free & beautiful hand

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to do manicure at home with natural remedies & get a wrinkle free & beautiful hand..

First you gather all the tools that you will need for manicure..

  • Cotton pads
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cuticle pusher
  • Cuticle remover
  • Nail buffer
  • Hand moisturizer
  • Your favorite nail polish



First you have to remove your nail polish from your nails with a good nail polish remover..

Then take a bowl with warm water then add some shower gel or mild shampoo & soak your hands to it for 10 minutes then take a nail brush & brush your hands & nails with it to remove the dirt from your nails & dead skin cells from your hands then wash your hands with normal water & wipe your hands gently..


Again take a bowl with warm water & add half lemon juice & baking soda to it..Then soak your hands to it for 5 minutes..After 5 minutes wash your hands with normal water & wipe your hands gently..This step will help you to remove the yellow stains on your nails & remove the blemishes on your hands..

After soaking your hands cut your nail with your favorite shape & file your nails with a nail filer..After that push your cuticles with the cuticle pusher & then cut the cuticles with the help of cuticle remover.. 

3. Scrubbing:

Rice flour scrub:

Take one table spoon of rice flour,add half of lemon juice,one table spoon of honey,one table spoon of rose water then mix it well & scrub your hands with this scrubber..Scrub your hands for 5 to 8 minutes,leave it for 5 minutes & wash your hands with normal water..This scrub helps to remove tanning,dark patches,pigmentation,dead skin cells & help to get a wrinkle free hands,tighten your skin & make your skin soft,smooth & glowing..

Sugar scrub:

Take one table spoon of sugar,add half table spoon of honey & half of lemon to it then mix it well & scrub your hands with this scrubber for 5 minutes & leave it for 5 minutes & wash your hands with normal water..This scrub helps to remove tanning,dark patches,pigmentation,dead skin cells & help to get a wrinkle free hands,tighten your skin & make your skin soft,smooth & glowing..


Take any of your favorite moisturizer & add few drops of lemon essential oil to it & massage your hands with the moisturizer..It will help you to keep your hands glowing,soft & smooth & helps to get a wrinkle free & brighter hands..

Then apply your favorite nail polish on your nails..

Then look your hands & feel the difference from your hands before doing manicure..



How to make punjabi chole / chickpeas curry at home

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to make delicious restaurant style punjabi chole at home..It is a very famous indian recipe that cooked in every kitchen..

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 cup of kabuli chana ( chickpeas)
  • 2 no of tea bags
  • 1/2 tsp of baking soda
  • 3 big size toamtoes
  • 2 big size onions
  • 4 no of green chily
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 5 -6 garlic cloves

For masala:

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 no of big cardamon 
  • 4 no of cloves
  • 4 tsp of oil
  • 2 no of bay leaves
  • 3 no of black peeper
  • 2 tbsp of chole masala
  • 1 tbsp of coriander powder
  • 1 tbsp of red chili powder
  • 1 tbsp of dry mango powder(aamchur powder)
  • 1 tbsp of turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp of cumin seed powder
  • 1 pinch of hing
  • salt to taste
  • 4 tbsp of green coriander leaves


-Soak the chickpeas for overnight..Drain excess of water & wash them properly..

-Then take pressure cooker,add the soaked chickpeas & add 2 cup of water,tea bags, 1/2 tsp of baking soda & few drop of salt then close the lid of pressure cooker & cook the chickpeas until it whistles once...

-Now make a smooth paste of onion,tomato & ginger,garlic..

-Then take a pan add oil,once the oil heat up add cinnamon stick,bay leaves,cardamon,cloves,black pepper,hing to it then add the onion paste & cook it until the color changed to brown..

-Then add ginger garlic paste & tomato paste to it then add salt,turmeric powder to it & cook it for few minutes..

-Then add red chili powder,coriander powder,cumin seed powder,dry mango powder & the chole masala & cook it for few minutes then add the boiled chickpeas to it & cook it for few minutes..Then add water to it & cook it for 5 minutes & close the lid of the pan..

-After 5 minutes open the lid of the pan , put the gas off & add the chopped coriander leaves to it..

-Your  restaurant style punjabi chole is now ready to serve..



How to get rid from crack heels / dry feet

Hi all...In this topic i am going to tell you about how to get rid from dry/crack heels..

This one is the common problem for many women..Cracked heels may be caused by obesity,standing for long periods of time,poorly fitting shoes..The skin on the feet tends to become drier as there are no oil glands present there..It is generally caused by insufficient moisture..Soaking in a hot bath for too long is also a cause of crack heels..

Here i will tell you all some remedies that easily prevent the crack heels & gives you a clear beautiful feet..

1.Vaseline & lemon juice :

First you have to take a foot filler & file your dry heels,it helps to remove your upper layer of the dead skin cell..Then rub a slice of lemon on your feet..Then take some warm water in a bucket,add some vinegar & some shower gel to it then soak your feet to it for 10 minutes..Shower gel helps to remove impurities from your feet & vinegar is high in acidity that helps to clean your feet & remove dead skin cells..Then take some vaseline & warm it up & apply it on your dry feet & wrap a polythene & wear a socks & leave it for one night..Vaseline works as a great moisturizer for crack heels..

Repeat this process for a week to get the best result..

2.Bee wax & mustard oil:

Take one bee wax & grateit & add 3 tbsp of mustard oil & boil it with double boiling process then add 2 vitamin E capsules..Then take a bucket of warm water,add some shower gel,vinegar & baking soda then soak your feet to this water for 10 minutes then wash your feet well & clean your feet then apply the mixture on your clean feet & leave it overnight & wear a socks..This one is a good moisturizer for crack heels..


3.Rice flour & honey:

Take one table spoon of rice flour,one table spoon of almond oil & one table spoon of honey then mix all the ingredients well then take a bucket of warm water,add some drop of shower gel,apple cider vinegar & soak your feet with this water & then apply the scrub on your clean feet & scrub very well..After scrubbing your feet wash your feet with normal water & apply a thick moisturizer on your feet & wear a socks,leave it overnight..

Repeat this process at least for a week for best result.. 

4.Listerine & vinegar:

Take one cup of Listerine,one cup of vinegar & two cup of warm water then soak your feet into it for 15 minutes then scrub your feet with pumice stone & then apply a thick moisturizer on your feet & wrap your feet with cling wrap & wear a socks  & leave it overnight..

Listerine helps to remove dead skin cells on your feet & kill the fungus present on your feet,vinegar has acidic properties that also helps to remove dead skin cells on your feet & give you a clean beautiful feet..Apply this process for at least thrice in a week for best results..

5.Banana foot mask:

 Take two ripe bananas,mash it & make a paste then add one table spoon of honey to it then mix it well..Then soak your feet with warm water for 10 minutes then scrub your feet with pumice stone & then apply a thick layer of banana foot mask & leave it for 20 minutes then wash your feet with normal water & then apply a thick moisturizer on your feet ..

Banana contains vitamin A,B6 & C that helps to maintain the elasticity of your skin & keeps your skin smooth & soft..Honey moisturizes your skin & helps to keep your feet smooth..Repeat this process for one week to get the best result..



How to make restaurant style mix vegetable curry

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to make tasty restaurant style mix vegetable curry simply..

Ingredients required:

  • 1 cup of potato
  • 1 cup of beans
  • 1 cup of fresh peas (you can use frozen also)
  • 1 cup of carrot
  • 1 cup of cauliflower
  • 1 cup of capsicum
  • 1 cup of paneer
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tsp of turmeric powder
  • 1 tsb of jeera powder
  • 1 tsp of coriander powder
  • 1 tsp of red chili powder
  • 1 tsp of kasturi methi
  • 1 tsp of garam masala

For gravy:

  • 1 big size onion 
  • 3 to 4 medium size tomatoes
  • 7 to 8 cashew nuts
  • 4 to 5 dry red chilies
  • 3 table spoon butter


-For gravy first you have to put a pan on gas with medium flame then add butter,onion,cashew nuts,red chilies then stir it for 1 minute then add the roughly cut tomatoes & stir it well & cover the lid & cook it for 5 minutes in low flame..

-After 5 minutes open the lid & put the gas off & let it to cool..Then put the mixture in to a blender jar & make a thick paste..

-Then add the vegetables for shallow fry,then after frying all the vegetables one by one keep them in aside..

-In this same pan add the peas & capsicum & stir it for 1 minute then add the gravy & stir it for few minutes ..

-Then add salt,jeera powder,red chili powder,coriander powder & then add all the fried vegetables into it & cook it for few minutes & cover the lid..

-Then add the fried paneer & mix it well then add garam masala & cook it for 1 minute & then add kasturi methi & mix it..

-Your restaurant style mix vegetable curry is now ready to serve..Serve it with chapati/paratha..



Best face masks for clear glowing youthful skin

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell about some face masks that helps you to get a clear,glowing & youthful skin ..

Face mask is very important for our skin...Face mask can help to remove excessive oils from your skin,hydrates your skin..It can also help to get rid from open pores & helps to pull out the impurities from your skin thats why your skin looks glowing,youthful..

1.Turmeric Face mask:

 Take one table spoon of  wild turmeric powder,one table spoon of yogurt & half of lemon then mix all the ingredients well & apply it on your face & neck for 15 minutes then wash your face normal water..

Turmeric is very helpful for our skin,it contains lactic acid & it has anti oxidant properties that helps to prevent aging,its anti-inflammatory properties helps to prevents against acne & also it is a very good remedy for fairness..Yogurt also contains lactic acid that helps to prevents aging & nourishes & moisturizes your skin..Lemon juice contains vitamin C that helps to lighten & brighten your skin..  

2.Fuller's earth(multani mitti) face mask:

Take one table spoon of fuller's earth powder,one table spoon of neem powder,two table spoon of honey & half of lemon then mix all ingredients & apply on your face & neck,leave it to dry then wash your face with normal water..

Fuller's earth helps to absorb excessive oils from your skin,it helps to remove all dirt & impurities from your skin & helps to tighten up the pores of your skin,it is well known for acne prone skin..Neem powder helps to balance the oil production from your skin,it also has anti bacterial,anti viral,antiseptic,anti fungal,astringent,anti oxidant,anti inflammatory properties that helps to fight against  acne & pimple...Honey helps to moisturize & nourish your skin & maintain the ph level of skin..Lemon helps to lighten your skin..

3.Egg White face mask:

Take one table spoon of egg white,one table spoon of yogurt,half table spoon of honey & half of lemon then mix all the ingredients well & apply it on your face & neck & leave it to dry then wash your face with normal water..

Egg white contains protein call albumin that helps to tighten the pores of your skin & remove excessive oils from your skin & helps to remove all the dirt & impurities from your skin..Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to prevent aging & moisturize your skin..Honey also helps to moisturize & nourishes your skin..Lemon contains vitamin C which helps to lighten & brighten your skin..

4.Rice flour face mask:

Take one table spoon of rice flour,one table spoon of yogurt,one table spoon honey & one table spoon of rose water then mix all the ingredients & apply it on your face & neck..Leave it to dry then wash your face with normal water..

Rice flour contains ferullic acid & allantoin which acts as a sunscreen,it has inflammatory properties that soothes the sunburn & helps to remove suntan from your skin..Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to prevent aging & it also nourishes & moisturizes your skin..Honey helps to nourishes your skin & moisturize your skin..Rose water helps to tone your skin & keep your skin glowing & fresh..

5.Potato & cucumber face mask:

 Take half cucumber & half potato & grind it & extract the juice,add one table spoon of honey & half of lemon then mix all ingredients & apply it on your face & leave it to dry tben wash your face with normal water..

Cucumber contains pantothenic acid which helps to treat acne 7 pimples,it also soothes your skin & hydrates your skin,it contains potassium,vitamin C & folic acid that helps to treat the sunburn & lighten your skin..Potato contains high source of vitamin C that helps to lighten up your skin,it also hydrates your skin..Honey helps to nourishes & moisturize your skin..Lemon contains vitamin C that helps to lighten & brighten your skin & keeps your skin smooth..



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