5 Easy DIY scrub for winter for dry skin..

Hi all..I am going to share with you all 5 easy scrub for your face/body for winter..In winter our skin become so much dry so we need to scrub our body & its helps to remove your dead skin cells from your body ..


oats scrub at home

Take 2 tbsp of oats & grind it then add 1 tbsp of yogurt to it & honey to it then apply it on your face & neck & scrub it gently for 1 minute then wash your face with normal water..Apply this scrub on your face twice in a week..

Oats contains anti oxidants,anti inflammatory properties & also contains saponins which work as a natural cleanser & it also work as a exfoliater that helps to remove dirt,also helps to remove the dead skin cells from your skin..


Coffee scrub

Take 2 tbsp of ground coffee & add 1 tbsp of honey & add 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil then mix it all & scrub your face for 1 minute then wash with normal water..Use this scrub for twice in a week for best result..

It contains anti oxidants & anti aging properties that helps to prevent aging & also help to remove dead skin cells from your skin & also helps to tone your skin & remove all your dirt fro your skin..


DIY sugar scrub

Take 2 tbsp of sugar,add 1 tbsp of honey & 1 tbsp of olive oil & mix it all & scrub your face gently for 1 minute then wash your face with normal water...Use this scrub twice in a week for best result..

Sugar helps to hydrate your skin & works as a great exfoliater that helps to remove your dead skin cells & also helps to remove dirt from your skin...


DIY almond scrub

Take 4 to 5 almonds & blend them,add 1 tbsp of honey & 1 tbsp of olive oil into it & mix it all & scrub your face for 1 minute with this scrub then wash your face with normal water..Apply this scrub twice in a week for best results..

Almonds contains vitamin E,vitamin B2,monounsaturated fats that helps to repair your skin cells & also it helps to heel your skin,helps to keep moisturize..It also works as a great exfoliater that helps to remove your dead skin from your skin & also helps to remove dirts from your skin & keeps your skin soft & suffle..


DIY orange peel scrub

 Take 2 tbsp of orange peel powder,1 tbsp of sugar,1 tbsp of honey & 2 tbsp of coconut oil into it then mix it all & scrub your face for 1 minute then wash your face with normal water..Use this scrub twice in a week for best result..

Orange peel contains vitamin C which helps to remove dead skin cells & helps to fight against premature aging & skin blemishes & also it helps to tone your skin..



How to make kashmiri dum aalo

Hi all..I am going to share with you all the recipe of tasty kashmiri dum aalo in a very simple way..


  • Baby Potato 500 gm 
  • Kashmiri red chili powder
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tbsp black pepper
  • 4 - 5 cloves
  • 3 - 4 green cardamon
  • 1 small stick cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup of curd
  • Mustard oil
  • Pinch of hing
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp of turmeric powder
  • 1 small size onion
  • 1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste


-First slightly boil the potatoes,once it's done then fry it until the skin turns crispy..

-Take a pan then dry roast some coriander seeds,cumin seeds,black pepper,cloves,cinnamon,fennel seeds,cardamon then cool it & grind it & make a smooth powder..

-Make a smooth paste of one small onion & green chili..

-Take a pan,add some oil & add onion 7 green chili paste,fry it for till it's turn golden brown then add 1 tbsp pf ginger garlic paste then fry it the oil separated from the pan..

-Add kashmiri red chili powder,turmeric powder & the masala that we made & saute it for 2 minutes & then add curd to it & cook the gravy for about 5 minutes..

-Add potatoes & again cook it for 5 minutes,turn the gas off & add some coriander leaves to it...Then it's Done..



DIY hair oil for faster hair growth & get rid from excessive hair loss

Hi all..I am going to share with you one DIY hairoil for faster hair growth & helps you to get rid from excessive hairfall..It also helps to make your hair super smooth & silky..


  • 1/2 cup Coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup mustard oil
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup castor oil
  • 2 tbsp of nigella seeds
  • 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds
  • 10 - 12 curry leaves


-First take a clean vessel & put it into the gas with low flame .

-Now add 1/2 cup of coconut oil & mustard oil into it then add 1/4 cup of castor oil into it & heat it for 1 minute..

-Now add 2 tbsp of nigella seeds,2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds & 10 to 12 curry leaves into it & hit it for couple of minutes..

-Then turn the gas off & let the oil cool down completely & then add 1/4 cup of olive into it & give it a good mix..

-Then leave it for 7 to 8 hours & then transfer the oil into a clean glass jar..

-Apply the oil twice in a week for best results...


-Coconut oil contains fatty acids called lauric acid,linoleic acid that helps to grow hair faster,helps to stops hairfall & makes your hair soft & shiny..

-Mustard oil contains protein & omega -3 fatty acids which helps to nourish your hair & encourage hair growth also it increases blood circulation on your scalp..

-Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid & omega -6 fatty acids that helps to improve blood circulation on your scalp & helps to faster hair growth..

-Olive oil contains omega-3 fatty acid,oleic acid & alpha-linoleic acid that helps to reducing oxidative damage & inflammation & also helps to grow hair faster..

-Nigella seeds contain linoleic acid,oleic acid,palmitic acid that helps to grow your hair faster & helps to stop pre mature hair greying,stop hairfall..

-Fenugreek seeds contains protein & nicotinic acid that helps to fight against balding & strengthen & rebuild your hair..

-Curry leaves is a best source of iron & folic acid that helps to regrow your hair & helps to boost your scalp & also increase blood circulation on your scalp..



How to grow more hair/thicker/stronger quickly

Hi all..I am going to tell you about some tips & tricks for faster hair growth & how to get thick,long hair easily & quickly..I personally tried all these DIY that will described below & get amazing result...

1.Onion Juice:

Onion juice contain antioxidants & anti-bacterial properties that helps to reverse ageing & also help to fight against scalp infection..It contains sulfur that help to increase hair volume,thickness & help to increase blood circulation..

Take one big size onion grate it & squeeze the juice,add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel & one tablespoon of honey..Mix it all & then apply to your scalp & leave it for 1 hour & wash your hair with a mild shampoo..For best result you should follow it at least once in a week..

2.Apple Cider Vinegar:

 Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that helps to stimulate the hair follicle & help to grow your hair faster.. It cleanses your scalp & helps to maintain the pH level of your hair..

Take two tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with one cup of water & rinse your hair with this at last after shampoo your hair..

3.Egg Mask:

The egg yolks are come packed with biotin,vitamin A,D,E,K which helps to keep scalp fresh & clean & also remove unwanted oil,grease..The egg white also contains selenium,calcium,magnesium,zinc,iron & vitamin B that helps to keeps your hair healthy & clean,helps to grow your hair faster..

Take one egg & mix two drops of rosemary essential oil & mix it all then apply  this mixture on your clean scalp & leave it to dry then wash it with mild shampoo..For best result use this mixture once in a week..

4.Green Tea :

Green tea contains lots of anti-oxidants that helps to promote hair growth,keeps your hair shiny & keeps your hair stronger from roots..Boil a bag of green tea in water for one minute & then apply the warm green tea water on your scalp & leave it for 1 hour then wash your hair with mild shampoo..For best results use this remedy once in a week ..It helps to promote hair growth faster..

5.Massage your scalp:

 Scalp massage is a very easy & simple technique for hair growth..Massaging your scalp will help to improves circulation by increasing blood flow..It will help to stimulates your hair follicles to grow..Try massaging your hair for atleast half an hour everyday,try to use essential oils for massaging your hair roots..For best result do massage your hair everyday for 1 hour..



How to make one gravy for many curries

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell about how to make one gravy for many types of curries & how can you store this for long ...You can make many types of curries with this gravy..

Ingredients Required:

  • 5 to 6 medium size onion
  • 5 to  6 medium size tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  • 2 no of bayleaf
  • 3 to 4 no of green cardamom
  • 1 tbsp cumin seed
  • 1 tbsp coriander seed
  • 1 small cinnamon stick
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 4 to 5 cloves
  • 2 tbsp red chili powder
  • 3 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 big cardamon
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 star anise


-Take a pan & add some oil in it then add cumin seeds,coriander seeds,bay leaves,cloves,cardamon,star anise,cinnamon stick & saute for few minutes..

-After that add some roughly chopped onions into it & fry it till the color change to brown..

-Then add ginger garlic paste to it & saute it for few minutes..Then add tomatoes into it & saute for few minutes..

-Add salt,turmeric powder,red chili powder,black pepper powder in to it & then saute it for few minutes & cover the pan & cook it for few minutes ..

-After that turn off the flame & cool down the gravy completely, then make a smooth paste of it ...

-After that take the same pan & cook the gravy till it soaked all the moisture of the gravy ..

-If you want to store it for long time then after cool down transfer it to ice tray & store it on the fridge for 20 to 25 days...

-You can make all veg & non veg dishes with this gravy...



Facial steps at home easily for clear glowing skin

Hi all..I am going tell you about how to do facial at home & get a crystal clear & glowing skin..Facial is too much expensive on parlor but we can do all these steps of facial at home with natural ingredients..

Facial Steps:

  • Cleansing
  • Exfoliating
  • Steaming
  • Face Mask
  • Toning
  • Moisturizing


It is very important to clean your face before facial..It helps to remove all the dirt & impurities from your skin..For facial cleansing you have to take few amount of your favorite face wash & massage it on your face for two minutes & then wash your face with normal water..

Alternately you can take some raw milk & dip a cotton ball into it then wipe your face & wash your face..


Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin,it helps many skin problems,it also increases blood circulations which helps to get a healthy & glowing skin..

You should use your favorite face scrub but i suggest you BODY CUPID CHOCOLATE SCRUB which is one of my favorite scrub or you can use DIY scrub that is take one table spoon of ground coffee powder & mix it with some honey make a thick paste & gently  rub it on your face for 5 minutes then wash your face with normal water...


Steam opens up your pores & helps loosen any buildup of dirt for a deeper cleanse..Opening  up your pores also soften your blackheads & making them easier to remove..It also promotes blood circulation on your skin..After exfoliating take steam on your face...Take some water & add few drops of your favorite essential oil into it then take steam..

4.Face mask:

For face mask you may use multani mitti ( fuller's earth ) face mask ..For this take some multani mitti powder & add some rose water into it & apply it on your face ..It will help to tighten up your skin & helps to close the pores & helps to give you a natural glow on your skin..

Alternately you may use besan face mask ..For this take some besan & add some rose water into it & apply it on your face..Leave it to dry then wash your face with normal water...


Toner will help to soothe,nourish & hydrates your skin & helps to maintain the pH level on your skin,it also helps to remove oil,dirt from your skin..

Rose water is a very good toner for your skin,it helps to give a natural glow on your skin otherwise you can use cucumber toner for your skin..


Moisturizing is the final step of your facial..It helps to nourish your skin & gives you a super soft,flawless skin..For this you should apply a thick moisturizer on your skin..You may use any of your favorite moisturizer..

Always do facial on evening or night..



Oats idli Recipe at home in simple way

Hi all..I am going to tell you about how to make oats idli at home very easily..Oats are low in calories & it can helps to reduce blood pressure & aid in digestion..Oats can definitely be a part of healthy diet..

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 cup of oats
  • 1 cup of idli semolina / rava
  • 1 cup curd
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp of baking powder
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 cup carrot
  • 1/2 cup beans
  • 2 no of green chili
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • 1/2 tsp of cumin seed
  • 1/2 tsp of mustard seed
  • 8-10 curry leaves
  • 2 tsp of oil


-Take a pan,add oats & roast it till it turn crispy then grind it into fine powder..

-Take an another pan,add some oil & add mustard,cumin,green chili,ginger & curry leaves then add carrot & beans to it,roast it well & add turmeric powder to it..

-Take idli semolina & add the vegetables,add the roasted oats to it then add curd & water & mix it well till it turns into a thick consistency..

-Then boil some water to a idli pan & then take the idli plates & pour grease it with some oil then spread the idli batter to it & cook it..

-After 15 minutes open the lid & take the idli plates out & then serve it with any of your favorite chutney.. 



Carrot Halwa with milkmaid / gajar ka halwa with milkmaid recipe at home with ease..

Hi all..In this topic i am going to share with you the easy & tasty recipe of Carrot Halwa with Milkmaid / Gajar Halwa with Milkmaid..In India most of the people used to make this dish in their home most of the time..


  • 1 kg carrot
  • 1 tin of Milk Maid
  • 5 to 6 cardamoms
  • 10 to 12 cashew nuts
  • 4 tbsp of Ghee
  • 10 to 12 Almonds
  • 7 to 8 Raisins


-Take carrots & peel it,wash properly then grate it..

-Take a pan & add some ghee to it & add the grated carrot to it & cook it while covering on medium flame..After 5 minutes open the lid & stir it & make sure that it doesn't burn from the bottom..

-Chop the cashew nuts,almonds & grind the cardamoms finely..

-Once the carrots has cooked,add one tin of milkmaid to it then stir it & cook it for some time with low flame..

-Add the chopped cashew nuts,almonds,raisins & the cardamoms then mix it well & again cook it for few minutes..

-When the carrot halwa is ready then turn off the flame & transfer it into a bowl ..

-Your Gajar ka halwa / Carrot halwa with milkmaid is ready to serve..Garnish it with some cashew nuts & almonds..



Best Effective Homemade Hair Masks to treat Hair Loss / Dandruff /dry itchy scalp

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about best & effective hair masks for control your hair fall & remove dandruff & dry & itchy scalp..

Hair masks provide nourishment,shine on your hair,condition your hair & helps to getting rid of dandruff & stops your hairfall..

1.Egg & Yogurt Hair Mask:

Take one egg,add 2 tbsp of yogurt,add 2 tbsp of olive oil & squeeze one lemon then mix it all together..Then apply it on your hair & scalp..This mixture helps to cure the dandruff problem & gives you a shine to your hair..Leave this mixture on your hair for about 20 minutes then wash it with mild hair cleanser..

Egg contains huge amount of protein that helps to keep your hair strong & healthy,helps to remove dandruff from your scalp..Yogurt contains lactic acid that provides a nourishment to your hairs & condition your hairs..Lemon also helps to remove dandruff because it contains lots of vitamin C & helps to strengthen your hair..

Use this mixture for at least twice in a week for best result..

2.Banana Hair Mask:

Take two ripe banana then mash it,add one table spoon of coconut oil,add one table spoon of olive oil & one table spoon of honey then mix it all together..Then apply it on your hair & scalp & massage it for 5 minutes then leave it for about 30 minutes then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Bananas are rich in potassium,anti oxidants & vitamins that works awesome for hair loss..It also helps to remove dandruff from your scalp..Olive oil is also works awesome for hairloss & condition your hair..Coconut oil helps to reduce hairfall & dandruff from your scalp..Honey makes your hair soft ,smooth,sliky & helps to protect your dry,damaged hair..

For best result use this hair mask twice in a week..

3.Avocado Hair Mask:

Take one ripe avocado remove its pulp & mash it then add one table spoon of coconut oil,add one table spoon of yogurt then mix it all together..Apply this mixture on your scalp & hair massage it on your scalp for 5 minutes..Leave it for about 20 minutes then wash it with mild hair cleanser..

Avocado is rich in omega-3 fatty acids & anti-inflammatory properties that helps to regrowth of your hair & improves the healthy of your hair..Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to condition your hairs..Coconut oil helps to reduce hairfall & strengthen your hair..Almond oil helps to reduces hair breakage,frizz ..

For best results use this mask twice in a week..

4.Onion Hair Mask:

Take two medium size onion cut them & take one aloe vera leaf / you can add aloe vera gel also then make a paste of it & add one table spoon of coconut oil,one table spoon of castor oil then mix it all together..Apply this mask on your hair & scalp & massage your scalp for 5 minutes then leave it for about 30 minutes then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Onion contains high level of sulfur which promotes the production of collagen which is essential for hair growth..Aloevera contains proteolytic  enzymes which repairs dead skin cells from your scalp..It condition your hair..Castor oil helps to control hair fall & condition your hair...Coconut oil also helps to control hairfall & remove dandruff from your scalp..

For best results you can use this mask twice in a week..

5.Rosemary Hair Mask:

Take some chopped rosemary leaves & boil it with a cup of water for few minutes then strain the water ..Once the water get cool then massage this on your scalp for 10 minutes..Then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Rosemary has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals & ensure hair health..It helps to remove dandruff from your scalp,it strengthen hair follicles & conditions your hair..

For best result you can use this mask twice in a week.. 




How to make best natural face cleanser for oily / dry /combination skin at home,for acne prone skin

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to make natural face cleanser at home with natural ingredients that will cure your all types of skin problems & gives you a clear,glowing,flawless skin..

It will clear your pores & remove dirt,impurities from  your skin..The natural ingredients of this face cleanser will help to brighten & lighten your skin tone & gives you natural glow on your face..

You can use this face cleanser on your skin types..

Ingredients Required:

  • 4 tbsp of gram flour
  • 4 tbsp of  licorice powder
  • 2 tbsp of orange peel powder
  • 2 tbsp of neem leaves powder
  • 1/4 tbsp of kasturi turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp of lemon peel powder
  • 2 tbsp of rose petal powder (optional)
  • 2 tbsp of red sandalwood powder

Mix all the ingredients properly & store it with a air tight container..You can store it for 6 to 7 months in room temperature..

Gram flour is rich in protein,unsaturated fatty acids  & the alkalizing properties helps to lighten & brighten your skin,removes dirt & impurities from the deeper layer of your skin & helps to maintain the pH level of your skin..
Orange peel powder contains citric acids that helps to remove the blackheads & whiteheads from your skin..Orange peels are natural bleaching agent that can lighten the dark patches on your skin & it also helps to remove the dead skin cells from your skin..
Licorice powder contains glycyrrhizin acid which has anti-inflammatory properties & highly used in cosmetics..It has mild smoothing & brightening action..It helps to fight against the hyper pigmentation & gives you clear bright skin..
Neem powder contains fatty acids,vitamin C,vitamin E & anti bacterial properties that fight against acne,pimples causing germs & helps to give you a clear,glowing skin..
Kasturi turmeric helps you to prevent the appearance of aging & helps to give you a clear & even tone skin..It works great for sensitive skin..
Red sandalwood powder contains anti-bacterial properties that makes your skin even & helps to remove suntan,fight against acne,pimple causing germs & remove oiliness from your skin..
Lemon peel powder contains high amount of vitamin C & anti-oxidants that helps to give you soft & smooth skin & gives you a clear,bright skin..
Rose petal powder contains anti-oxidants that helps to fight against the skin irritants,excessive sebum & acne,pimple causing germs..It has high amount of vitamin C,pectin acid & citric acid..
You can use this cleanser for your skin types..

1.For normal to oily skin:

For normal to oily skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some aloe vera gel,some honey & some rose water then mix it well & apply it all over your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water..

2.For normal to dry skin:

For normal to dry skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some yogurt to it then mix it well & apply it all over your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water.. 

3.For combination skin:

For combination skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some aloe vera gel,some yogurt & some rose water in it then mix it well & apply it on your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water..

Use this face cleanser twice in a day or once in a day for better results..



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