How to get rid from dark circles/wrinkles/fine lines/puffiness/spots under eyes

Hi all..This article is about how to remove under eye dark circles,wrinkles,fine lines,swelling,under eye bags & spots around eyes...
The skin around our eyes is very thin as compared to our other body parts so any thing happening in the deep layer of our skin that easily visible..
So here i will tell you some home remedies that absolutely cures dark circles & all eye problems..

Causes of dark circles

  • Over sleeping
  • stress
  • Nasal allergies
  •  Exposure to the sun
  • Aging
  • Skin irritant in makeup products
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Tiredness & exhaustion  

Some home remedies

1.Take 1tbs of Aloe Vera gel,one & half tbs coconut oil,2 Vitamin E oil..mix it all till it's become a thick paste..
then wash your face with your favorite face wash then apply this mixture on your under eyes area..Leave it overnight & wash your face in the morning..Apply this eye gel for 4 weeks & you will get the result.

Aloe Vera gel moisturize & hydrates your under eye area & the anti oxidants present in this will reduce the puffiness under your eyes..
Coconut oil contains fatty acids that will help the growth of healthy skin tissues .it will lighten & brighten your under eye area..
Vitamin E oil contains antioxidant  that protect the skin tissues from UV rays & helps to reduce the dark circles under eyes..

2.Take half slice of fresh cucumber & extract the juice  ,one potato & extract the juice,2 tbs of Aloe Vera gel,1 tbs of Glycerin then mix it all & apply the mixture at night after washing your face..
For best results use this for 2 weeks...

Cucumber contains folic acid,pantothenic acid  that sooth,hydrates your under eye area that helps lighten your under eye area..
Potato juice is said to have mild bleaching properties that lighten your under eye area & vitamin C that nourish & protect the skin tissues from UV rays ..
Aloe Vera gel moisturize & hydrates your under eye area & the anti oxidants present in this will reduce the puffiness under your eyes..
Glycerin sooth,nourish & moisturize your under eye area & helps to remove dark circles..

3.Almond oil is the best solution for dark circles..Take this oil on your finger tip & massage it on your under eyes clockwise & anti clockwise..Leave it overnight for best results..
It contains vitamin E that helps to remove the discoloration of your under eye area..

4.Tomato juice is also a best remedy for remove dark circles...Squeeze one tomato & extract the juice then apply it under your eye area & leave it for 10 minutes then wash your face ..
It contains vitamin C & lycopene that helps to remove dark circles & regrow the dead skin cells ...

5.Green tea is one of the best solution for dark circles...Take two green tea bags & soak it for few minute on hot water then leave the tea bags on fridge & apply these under your eyes...leave it for 15 minutes & wash your face...
it contains vitamin C ,folic acid ,anti oxidants that sooth & lighten & brighten your under eye area & remove the puffiness under your eyes..

Follow these tips to get best results..
Except these you should drink at least 10 -12 glass of water per day & do meditation for good results , proper sleep is also a main thing for remove dark circles..



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