How to get rid from hair fall problem/regrowth of hair/dandruf

Hi all...This topic is about how to get rid from hair fall problem with effective home remedies.

Hair fall is a common problem that we all face today..It is common in men & women..Scientists reveal that hormonal imbalance,imbalanced diet can be the reasons for excessive hair fall..

Causes of hair fall

  • Lack of protein
  • Excessive vitamin A consumption
  • Physical stress
  • Vitamin  B deficiency 
  •  Pregnancy
  • Due to change in water 
  •  Hereditary problems
  •  Emotional stress
  • Cancer

I will tell you some home remedies that absolutely help to reduce hair fall & strength your hair follicles & remove dandruff  from your scalp..

 Home remedies

1.Onion juice

Take one one onion & extract the juice then add 5 tbs of coconut oil & half slice of lemon..Mix it well,dip a cotton pad into it & then apply directly on your scalp..Leave it for one hour then wash your hair with a mild can use few drops of lavender essential for bad smell..Apply this mixture for 2 times in a week to get the best result....

Onions have anti bacterial properties that may help fight scalp also contain sulfur,potassium,magnesium that helps to promote hair growth..Coconut oil helps in hair growth,condition,nourish your hair is known as base of hair coloring & it will fight against the dandruff ...Lemon juice will help to fight against dandruff.

2.Egg white

Take one egg & separate the egg white ,add 2 tbs of aloe vera gel & 1 tbs of castor oil ...Mix it well & apply it on your scalp then massage it  for 5 mins & leave it for 1 hour then wash your hair with mild shampoo..for best result use this once in a week..

Egg whites are one of the best source of protein..protein makes hair follicles stronger..they also contain B complex vitamin & folic acid that important for hair growth & prevent hair loss..Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes that repairs dead skin cells on your scalp & promotes hair growth & reduce dandruff...Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid & omega 6 fatty acids that help in increasing blood circulation which improves hair growth..


Take 6 to 8 garlic cloves & crush it then add 4 tbs of olive oil & 2 to 3 drops of Rosemary essential oil ..mix all the ingredients & apply it one your scalp & leave it for one hour then wash your hair with mild shampoo..for best result use this twice in a week..

Garlic contains vitamin C that is great for promoting hair growth.The presence of selenium content in garlic helps boost blood circulation for maximum nourishment...Olive oil contains omega 3 fatty acids,omega 6 fatty acid,vitamin E that helps to nourish your scalp & condition your hair & strengthen the hair follicles..Rosemary essential oil helps to promote hair growth,prevents pre maturing hair graying & dandruff..

4. Fenugreek 

Take 2 tbs of fenugreek seed in a mixture ,grind to a powder ..then take 2 tbs of amla powder & 4 tbs of coconut oil ..Mix it well & apply this mixture on your scalp  & leave it for  45 mins then wash your hair with a mild shampoo..Use this remedy twice  in a week for 15 days to get the best result..

Fenugreeek seeds contains vitamin C ,iron,protein that help to prevent hair loss,it also contains nicotinic acid ,potassium that helps to fight against the graying of hair & condition your hair & make it shiny...The phyto-nutrients,vitamins present in amla powder helps in increasing the scalp circulation & stimulate healthy growth..amla can nourish,strengthen,condition your hair thereby making it shiny & adding volume to the hair..Coconut oil helps to nourish,shine,condition to hair..& prevent to hair graying...

5. Currry leaves

Take 8 to 10 curry leaves,4 tbs of yogurt,one tbs of fenugreek seed powder then grind the curry leaves & add all the ingredients mix it well ...Apply the mixture directly on scalp leave it for one hour then wash your hair with a mild shampoo...For best results use this mixture twice in a week ...

Curry leaves are a rich source of beta-carotene & protein that reduce hair loss & increase hair growth..They also contain amino acid & anti oxidant that help to strengthen your hair follicles, it can also helps to remove dandruff...Yogurt contains lactic acid that hydrates your hair follicles,it will also helps to clear away the dead skin cells from hair,it will condition your hair...Fenugreek powder contains iron,protein,vitamin C that helps to prevent hair loss,it also contains nicotinic acid ,potassium that helps to prevent graying of hair & condition your hair & make it shiny..

Follow these tips to get best results...
Except these you also drink at least 10 to 12 glass of water per day & do meditation for best results..




  1. H!!
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