How to get rid from open pores & get a healthy looking skin

Hi all..This topic is about how to get rid from open pores from your skin & get a clear,healthy & glowing skin..

The enlarged oil gland opening on your skin called open pores..There are loads of skin problems that we face on daily basis & open pores are one of them that is common in both male & female..It is a common problem for oily skin people..They are concentrated primarily on the T-zones & chicks.Pores on face visible to the naked eyes & make the skin dull,aged & weary..Open pores might lead to blackheads,acne etc..

Causes of open pores

1.Sun damage


3.Oily skin 


Here i will tell you some home remedies that actually helps you to tighten your open pores,oily skin,acne & helps you to get a healthy,clear & glowing skin..

1.Multani mitti (Fullers earth) face mask:

Take two table spoon of multani mitti (fullers earth),one table spoon of yogurt,half of lemon juice & few lemon zest ..Mix it well & then apply this mixture on your clean face & allow it to dry then wash your face with normal water..For best result use this twice a week..
Fullers earth is a great remedy for open pores ,it tighten up your open pores..It also helps to clean all the dirt,oil7 dead cells that have accumulated on the skin due to exposure to the sun & pollution..Yogurt contains lactic acid & vitamin B that helps hydrate the dull skin,helps inn repairing the skin is known as a great moisturizer that helps to tighten the pores & helps to keep the skin look glowing..Lemon juice contains vitamin C & citric acid that helps to tighten the pores on skin..Lemon zest contains vitamin C,vitamin A ,potassium, magnesium that helps to boost your skin & helps to shrink the pores..

2.Cucumber & green tea:  

Take one small size of cucumber cut it then grind it till it become a smooth paste then strain the juice & mix half half cup of green tea into it & two table spoon lemon juice then mix it well & put the mixture into a ice tray then after two hours  rub the ice cubes on your  face ...Do it thrice in  a week for best results ..
Cucumber contains high amount of silica which firms up sagging skin ,helps to close your open pores ..It have natural antioxidant,vitamin C & K which soothes & moisturizes your skin..Green tea contains antioxidants that helps clean the skin pores & helps to improve elasticity of skin tissues...Lemon juice contains vitamin C that reduces oiliness of your skin & helps to tighten the skin pores..


Take one tomato & grate it & extract the juice then add two table spoon of rose water & two table spoon of lemon juice ..Mix them well & apply it on your clean face..After 15 minute wash your face with normal water..For best result follow this remedy thrice in a week...
Tomato exfoliate your skin which hels to reduce pore size..It may have astringent  properties & such, may remove excess oil from your skin..Rose water contains antioxidants properties that helps to strengthen the skin cells & regenerate the skin tissues...Lemon juice contains vitamin C that reduces oiliness of your skin & helps to tighten the skin pores..

4.Banana peel face mask:

Take a banana & peel up the skin & rub it on your skin for few minutes..then when it dries wash your face with normal water..Do it thrice in a week for best result..
Banana peel contains  vitamin A,B,C & E that works as a natural exfoliate to remove toxins from your pores,it also contains starch that helps to dry out the excess oil & helps to reduce the size of the pores..

5.Aloe Vera gel:

Take a aloe vera leaf & then extract the gel or you can use organic aloe vera gel & apply a thick layer on your face before going to bed at night & wash your face in the morning with normal water..You can use this daily before going to bed..
Aloe vera gel is the great thing that helps to tighten the pores on your skin,this gel cleanses,nourishes,helps to removing oil & dirt from your face..It is a great natural moisturizer for all type of skin & helps to shrink the pores...

6.Egg white face mask:


Take one egg & separate the egg white,add half table spoon of honey & half table spoon of lemon juice into it then mix it well & apply it on your clean face..Allow it to dry & then wash your face with normal water..For best result do this twice in a week..
Egg whites contains protein that helps to skin nourishing & skin whitening..It is great for in shrinking pores..Honey has wonderful toning properties that would help restore skin suppleness & reduces the excessive production of sebum which would helps to reducing the pores size...Lemon juice contains vitamin C that reduces oiliness of your skin & helps to tighten the skin pores..

Except all these remedies you have to keep your face always dirt & pollution free clean face..Always wear a good SPF sunscreen before you go to sunlight..You have to drink lots of water in a day..


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