How to grow thick,dark eyebrows & eyelashes naturally & fast

Hi all..In this topic i am going to share with you all how to grow your eyebrows,eyelashes fast with home remedies..

A lots of women lose their eyelashes & eyebrows density when they get older or any other causes..I will tell you some home remedies that helps to grow your eyebrows & eyelashes faster & thicker..

1.Aloe vera gel:

Take one table spoon of aloe vera gel,half table spoon castor oil & 2 no of vitamin E capsules then mix all ingredients & apply this mixture on your eyebrows & eyelashes with a clean brush...You should apply this every night for best results..

Aloe vera gel is rich in protein & amino acids that helps to grow your eyebrows & eyelashes faster..It rejuvenates hair with its own nutrients,it has enzymes & moisturizing properties that helps to nourish your hair follicles..Castor oil is rich in omega-9 fatty acids,it helps to stimulate your hair growth & nourishes hair follicles..Vitamin E capsule is an antioxidants that helps to repair your skin tissues,it promotes hair growth & helps to grow your eyelashes & eyebrows faster..

2.Olive oil:

Take one table spoon of olive oil & one table spoon of vaseline petroleum jelly then mix it well..Apply this mixture on your eyebrows & eyelashes every night before going to bed..For best results you use this mixture every night for 10 days then you can see the results...

Olive oil rich in fatty acids vitamin E & K that helps to grow your eyebrows & eyelashes faster & moisturize your skin & also conditions your hair..Vaseline petroleum jelly conditions & also moisturize your skin ...

3.Egg yolk:

Take one egg & separate the egg yolk from white,beat the yolk till smooth..Then apply the egg yolk on your eyelashes & eyebrows with your mascara brush then leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water..For best result you should apply this at least twice in a week..

Egg yolks are rich of biotin which helps to grow your is a great source of protein..& helps to grow your hairs faster..

4.Onion juice:

Take one table spoon of onion juice & one table spoon of vitamin E oil then mix it well & apply this mixture with a brush before going to bed at night ..For best result apply this 4 times in a week..Onion juice contain sulfur that helps to grow hair of eyebrows & eyelashes..Vitamin E oil helps to condition your skin & hairs & also helpful for hair growth..

5.Lemon juice :

Take one table spoon of lemon juice & half table spoon of olive oil & mix it well then apply this mixture on your eyebrows & eyelashes with the help of a mascara brush. You should apply this mixture before going to bed at night..Apply this daily for 15 days for best result..Lemon juice contains vitamin C,vitamin B,folic acid that helps for hair growth of your eyebrows & eyelashes.Olive oil contains vitamin A & vitamin E that helps to nourish your skin & helps to grow your hairs on eyebrows & eyelashes..

6.Coconut oil:

Take one table spoon of coconut oil & dip a cotton pad into it & apply it on your eyebrows & eyelashes..Apply this everyday before going to bed at night..For best result you should apply this daily for 15 days..

Coconut oil contains fatty acids that helps to prevent the hair breakage,it conditions your hair & the natural proteins present in coconut oil helps to grow hairs on your eyebrows & eyelashes very fast..Thanks...



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