How to make Indian sweet dish (dessert) balushahi at home

Hi all..This topic is about how to make indian sweet & tasty dish balushahi easily..

Ingredients required:

  • 2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2.5 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup ghee/oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 5 no of cardamon
  • 15 no of pistachios
  • 20 saffron strands


-Take a vessel,add all purpose flour,baking powder & mix it well.Then add 1/2 cup of ghee/oil ,mix it all then add water to make a dough..Then cover it for 10 minutes..

-Take a small bowl & add the saffron strands to it & add few water that it gives the color..

-Now we prepare the sugar syrup,for this we have to take a pan & add 2.5 cup sugar & add 1.25 cup of water to it..Turn on the flame & cook the sugar syrup & the last part of it form like a single thread,then turn the flame off & add cardamon & the soaked saffron water for color & keep the pan aside & cover it for few minutes..

-Now we have to check the dough & break the lump of the dough & make small ball from it..

-Take a pan & heat some oil for frying the balushahi...

-To shape the balushahi take a ball of dough,give it a round shape & press it to make a hollow from one side...Likewise make all balushahi..Keep all the balushahis in a plate..

-Make sure the oil is less hot for frying balushahi,then put balushahis to the hot oil for frying till the both sides turned to golden brown..

-Then put the all balushahis in the sugar syrup & dip it for few minutes until it absorb  the sugar syrup..

-After few minutes take out the balushahis into a plate & garnish it with pistachios & some saffron strands..

Your balushahi is ready to serve...



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