How to do skin lightening manicure at home & get a wrinkle free & beautiful hand

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to do manicure at home with natural remedies & get a wrinkle free & beautiful hand..

First you gather all the tools that you will need for manicure..

  • Cotton pads
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cuticle pusher
  • Cuticle remover
  • Nail buffer
  • Hand moisturizer
  • Your favorite nail polish



First you have to remove your nail polish from your nails with a good nail polish remover..

Then take a bowl with warm water then add some shower gel or mild shampoo & soak your hands to it for 10 minutes then take a nail brush & brush your hands & nails with it to remove the dirt from your nails & dead skin cells from your hands then wash your hands with normal water & wipe your hands gently..


Again take a bowl with warm water & add half lemon juice & baking soda to it..Then soak your hands to it for 5 minutes..After 5 minutes wash your hands with normal water & wipe your hands gently..This step will help you to remove the yellow stains on your nails & remove the blemishes on your hands..

After soaking your hands cut your nail with your favorite shape & file your nails with a nail filer..After that push your cuticles with the cuticle pusher & then cut the cuticles with the help of cuticle remover.. 

3. Scrubbing:

Rice flour scrub:

Take one table spoon of rice flour,add half of lemon juice,one table spoon of honey,one table spoon of rose water then mix it well & scrub your hands with this scrubber..Scrub your hands for 5 to 8 minutes,leave it for 5 minutes & wash your hands with normal water..This scrub helps to remove tanning,dark patches,pigmentation,dead skin cells & help to get a wrinkle free hands,tighten your skin & make your skin soft,smooth & glowing..

Sugar scrub:

Take one table spoon of sugar,add half table spoon of honey & half of lemon to it then mix it well & scrub your hands with this scrubber for 5 minutes & leave it for 5 minutes & wash your hands with normal water..This scrub helps to remove tanning,dark patches,pigmentation,dead skin cells & help to get a wrinkle free hands,tighten your skin & make your skin soft,smooth & glowing..


Take any of your favorite moisturizer & add few drops of lemon essential oil to it & massage your hands with the moisturizer..It will help you to keep your hands glowing,soft & smooth & helps to get a wrinkle free & brighter hands..

Then apply your favorite nail polish on your nails..

Then look your hands & feel the difference from your hands before doing manicure..



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