Best Effective Homemade Hair Masks to treat Hair Loss / Dandruff /dry itchy scalp

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about best & effective hair masks for control your hair fall & remove dandruff & dry & itchy scalp..

Hair masks provide nourishment,shine on your hair,condition your hair & helps to getting rid of dandruff & stops your hairfall..

1.Egg & Yogurt Hair Mask:

Take one egg,add 2 tbsp of yogurt,add 2 tbsp of olive oil & squeeze one lemon then mix it all together..Then apply it on your hair & scalp..This mixture helps to cure the dandruff problem & gives you a shine to your hair..Leave this mixture on your hair for about 20 minutes then wash it with mild hair cleanser..

Egg contains huge amount of protein that helps to keep your hair strong & healthy,helps to remove dandruff from your scalp..Yogurt contains lactic acid that provides a nourishment to your hairs & condition your hairs..Lemon also helps to remove dandruff because it contains lots of vitamin C & helps to strengthen your hair..

Use this mixture for at least twice in a week for best result..

2.Banana Hair Mask:

Take two ripe banana then mash it,add one table spoon of coconut oil,add one table spoon of olive oil & one table spoon of honey then mix it all together..Then apply it on your hair & scalp & massage it for 5 minutes then leave it for about 30 minutes then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Bananas are rich in potassium,anti oxidants & vitamins that works awesome for hair loss..It also helps to remove dandruff from your scalp..Olive oil is also works awesome for hairloss & condition your hair..Coconut oil helps to reduce hairfall & dandruff from your scalp..Honey makes your hair soft ,smooth,sliky & helps to protect your dry,damaged hair..

For best result use this hair mask twice in a week..

3.Avocado Hair Mask:

Take one ripe avocado remove its pulp & mash it then add one table spoon of coconut oil,add one table spoon of yogurt then mix it all together..Apply this mixture on your scalp & hair massage it on your scalp for 5 minutes..Leave it for about 20 minutes then wash it with mild hair cleanser..

Avocado is rich in omega-3 fatty acids & anti-inflammatory properties that helps to regrowth of your hair & improves the healthy of your hair..Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to condition your hairs..Coconut oil helps to reduce hairfall & strengthen your hair..Almond oil helps to reduces hair breakage,frizz ..

For best results use this mask twice in a week..

4.Onion Hair Mask:

Take two medium size onion cut them & take one aloe vera leaf / you can add aloe vera gel also then make a paste of it & add one table spoon of coconut oil,one table spoon of castor oil then mix it all together..Apply this mask on your hair & scalp & massage your scalp for 5 minutes then leave it for about 30 minutes then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Onion contains high level of sulfur which promotes the production of collagen which is essential for hair growth..Aloevera contains proteolytic  enzymes which repairs dead skin cells from your scalp..It condition your hair..Castor oil helps to control hair fall & condition your hair...Coconut oil also helps to control hairfall & remove dandruff from your scalp..

For best results you can use this mask twice in a week..

5.Rosemary Hair Mask:

Take some chopped rosemary leaves & boil it with a cup of water for few minutes then strain the water ..Once the water get cool then massage this on your scalp for 10 minutes..Then wash your hair with mild hair cleanser..

Rosemary has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals & ensure hair health..It helps to remove dandruff from your scalp,it strengthen hair follicles & conditions your hair..

For best result you can use this mask twice in a week.. 




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