How to make best natural face cleanser for oily / dry /combination skin at home,for acne prone skin

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you about how to make natural face cleanser at home with natural ingredients that will cure your all types of skin problems & gives you a clear,glowing,flawless skin..

It will clear your pores & remove dirt,impurities from  your skin..The natural ingredients of this face cleanser will help to brighten & lighten your skin tone & gives you natural glow on your face..

You can use this face cleanser on your skin types..

Ingredients Required:

  • 4 tbsp of gram flour
  • 4 tbsp of  licorice powder
  • 2 tbsp of orange peel powder
  • 2 tbsp of neem leaves powder
  • 1/4 tbsp of kasturi turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp of lemon peel powder
  • 2 tbsp of rose petal powder (optional)
  • 2 tbsp of red sandalwood powder

Mix all the ingredients properly & store it with a air tight container..You can store it for 6 to 7 months in room temperature..

Gram flour is rich in protein,unsaturated fatty acids  & the alkalizing properties helps to lighten & brighten your skin,removes dirt & impurities from the deeper layer of your skin & helps to maintain the pH level of your skin..
Orange peel powder contains citric acids that helps to remove the blackheads & whiteheads from your skin..Orange peels are natural bleaching agent that can lighten the dark patches on your skin & it also helps to remove the dead skin cells from your skin..
Licorice powder contains glycyrrhizin acid which has anti-inflammatory properties & highly used in cosmetics..It has mild smoothing & brightening action..It helps to fight against the hyper pigmentation & gives you clear bright skin..
Neem powder contains fatty acids,vitamin C,vitamin E & anti bacterial properties that fight against acne,pimples causing germs & helps to give you a clear,glowing skin..
Kasturi turmeric helps you to prevent the appearance of aging & helps to give you a clear & even tone skin..It works great for sensitive skin..
Red sandalwood powder contains anti-bacterial properties that makes your skin even & helps to remove suntan,fight against acne,pimple causing germs & remove oiliness from your skin..
Lemon peel powder contains high amount of vitamin C & anti-oxidants that helps to give you soft & smooth skin & gives you a clear,bright skin..
Rose petal powder contains anti-oxidants that helps to fight against the skin irritants,excessive sebum & acne,pimple causing germs..It has high amount of vitamin C,pectin acid & citric acid..
You can use this cleanser for your skin types..

1.For normal to oily skin:

For normal to oily skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some aloe vera gel,some honey & some rose water then mix it well & apply it all over your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water..

2.For normal to dry skin:

For normal to dry skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some yogurt to it then mix it well & apply it all over your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water.. 

3.For combination skin:

For combination skin you have to take some facial cleanser powder & add some aloe vera gel,some yogurt & some rose water in it then mix it well & apply it on your face & neck..Allow it to dry,once it dry then take some water on your palm & scrub it on your skin & wash it with normal water..

Use this face cleanser twice in a day or once in a day for better results..



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