How to grow more hair/thicker/stronger quickly

Hi all..I am going to tell you about some tips & tricks for faster hair growth & how to get thick,long hair easily & quickly..I personally tried all these DIY that will described below & get amazing result...

1.Onion Juice:

Onion juice contain antioxidants & anti-bacterial properties that helps to reverse ageing & also help to fight against scalp infection..It contains sulfur that help to increase hair volume,thickness & help to increase blood circulation..

Take one big size onion grate it & squeeze the juice,add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel & one tablespoon of honey..Mix it all & then apply to your scalp & leave it for 1 hour & wash your hair with a mild shampoo..For best result you should follow it at least once in a week..

2.Apple Cider Vinegar:

 Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that helps to stimulate the hair follicle & help to grow your hair faster.. It cleanses your scalp & helps to maintain the pH level of your hair..

Take two tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with one cup of water & rinse your hair with this at last after shampoo your hair..

3.Egg Mask:

The egg yolks are come packed with biotin,vitamin A,D,E,K which helps to keep scalp fresh & clean & also remove unwanted oil,grease..The egg white also contains selenium,calcium,magnesium,zinc,iron & vitamin B that helps to keeps your hair healthy & clean,helps to grow your hair faster..

Take one egg & mix two drops of rosemary essential oil & mix it all then apply  this mixture on your clean scalp & leave it to dry then wash it with mild shampoo..For best result use this mixture once in a week..

4.Green Tea :

Green tea contains lots of anti-oxidants that helps to promote hair growth,keeps your hair shiny & keeps your hair stronger from roots..Boil a bag of green tea in water for one minute & then apply the warm green tea water on your scalp & leave it for 1 hour then wash your hair with mild shampoo..For best results use this remedy once in a week ..It helps to promote hair growth faster..

5.Massage your scalp:

 Scalp massage is a very easy & simple technique for hair growth..Massaging your scalp will help to improves circulation by increasing blood flow..It will help to stimulates your hair follicles to grow..Try massaging your hair for atleast half an hour everyday,try to use essential oils for massaging your hair roots..For best result do massage your hair everyday for 1 hour..



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