How to make DIY night cream for beautiful skin

Hi all..In this topic i am going to share with you homemade DIY night cream for glowing/beautiful skin..

DIY night cream

Sandalwood Night Cream:

Sandalwood night cream

Take one sandal wood & rub it on a rolling board,add few rose water to get a smooth paste then take the sandalwood paste into a container,add one Vitamin E capsule,one tablespoon of almond oil,add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel & 2 tbsp of Tea Tree essential oil then mix it all together to make a smooth paste..Apply this cream at night everyday..It will helps your skin to look younger,sandalwood helps to get rid from pigmentation helps to even your skintone,tea tree oil helps to get rid from acne & acne scars..

Gooseberry Night Cream:

Gooseberry night cream

Take 6 to 8 amla/gooseberry grind it & squeeze all the juice..Then take a container & add 3 tbsp of aloe vera gel,add one Vitamin E capsule,2 tbsp of Almond oil & add 2 drop of Tea Tree essential oil then give it a good mix & store it with a clean container..Apply this cream every night after cleaning your face...Gooseberry loads with Vitamin C that helps to even your skintone & helps to get rid from acne & scars,Aloe vera gel helps to hydrated your skin & helps to red rid from acne,Tea Tree essential oil helps to get rid from acne & remove the acne scars..

Aloe Vera Night Cream:

Aloe Vera night cream

Take 3 tbsp of Aloe vera gel,one Vitamin E capsule,one tbsp of Almond oil,2 drops of Tea Tree essential oil & give it a good mix..Store it on a clean container & apply this cream everyday in night..Aloe vera gel contains amino acids,lipids & enzymes that helps keep your skin clear & remove acne & acne scars,it keeps your skin hydrated..Tea Tree essential oil helps to remove your acne & acne scars..

Almond Night Cream:

Almond Night Cream

Take 8 to 9 almonds & soak it overnight then peel the skin & grind it,add 2 tbsp of almond oil,2 Vitamin E capsules,2 tbsp of yogurt & one tbsp of lemon juice,add 3 drops of Tea Tree essential oil& give it a good mix then store it in a clean container ..Store it on the Fridge & apply this cream on your clean face & neck..You can store it in the fridge for about 15 days..Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which helps to nourishes your skin & helps to keep your skin soft & souffle..Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to keep your super soft moisturizes your skin,lemon juice contains Vitamin C that helps to even your skintone,Tea tree essential oil helps to remove acne & acne scars..

Cocoa Butter Night Cream:

Cocoa butter night cream

Take two tablespoon of Cocoa butter,1 tablespoon of olive oil,1 tablespoon of coconut oil,1 tablespoon of almond oil then heat it with double boiler process then allow it to cool & add 2 drops of Tea Tree essential oil & give it a good mix..Keep it in a clean container & apply daily at night...Cococa butter rich in phytochemical that moisturize & protect your skin,prevent premature aging..Olive oil helps to moisturize your skin helps to even your skintone..Coconut oil helps to keep your skin moisturize your skin,helps to even your skintone..



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