How to get rid from suntan & get a glowing skin

Hi all ..This topic is about how to remove suntan & get a healthy beautiful & glowing skin..

We all have something in our skin called melanin,which causes tan..It is most often a result of exposure to UV rays from sunlight..Once skin is exposed to UV rays,it increases the production of melanin in an attempt to protect the skin for further damage...
Dark skinned people usually turn darker brown & light skinned people usually turn more red..

Here i will give you some skin whitening mask to remove suntan & get a glowing healthy skin..

1.rice flour

Take 1 table spoon of rice flour,one table spoon of yogurt,one table spoon of lemon juice..then mix it well till it become a thick paste then apply a thick layer to the tan area..
Rice flour is high concentration of para amino benzoic acid which acts as a sunscreen...It contains allantonin & ferulic acid which are rich sun protecting agents.Rice flour has a cooling effect in skin which helps you to cure the puffiness of our eyes..Yogurt contains lactic acid as it is good for exfoliating for skin & also can be used a moisturizer..It helps in dead skin cells removal..Lemon juice contains citric acid that helps to remove suntan ,lightening your skin tone,exfoliate present in lemon helps to remove dead skin cells...


Take one tomato then grate/grind it & extract the juice ,add one table spoon of honey & half lemon juice ....or you can use tomato as a scrubber also..Take half slice of tomato & dip it to sugar then scrub it to your tan area..
Tomato contain vitamin C that helps to remove tan.Tomato with natural acid property works in removing dead cells over skin..The citric acid present in lemon not only helps to remove tan but it also remove acne & lightens the acne marks ..Honey makes your skin soft & supple & moisturize your skin..

3.Orange peel 

Take 3 table spoon of orange peel powder & one table spoon oatmeal & grind it ,add some rose water to make a thick paste ,then apply it your tan area..
Orange peel powder contains vitamin C & anti oxidant that helps to heel & remove the suntan & oatmeal is a natural cleanser,exfoliater,moisturizer that helps to heel & smoothen your skin & rose water is known as a natural toner that helps to tone & lighten your skin...

3.Sandalwood powder

Take one table spoon of sandalwood powder,one table spoon of aloe vera gel & half tbs of rose water then mix it all & apply the mixture to the tan area..
Sandalwood powder is an ayurvedic remedy that helps to lighten & brighten your skin ,it also boost your skin & adds a healthy glow to  your skin ..Rose water helps to tone your skin & balance the pH level & helps to remove the tan on your skin..

4.Egg white


Take one egg & separate the egg white then add one table spoon of aloe vera gel & half table spoon of rose water then mix it all & apply on your tan area..
Egg white is rich in collagen & vitamins that helps to treat scars & suntan,sunburn..The anti-inflammatory structure helps to recovery of damage tissue & increases collagen production in skin..Rose water helps to tone your skin & balanced the pH level on your skin,remove tan on your skin..  

5.Cucumber juice & potato juice

Take one table spoon of cucumber juice & one table spoon of potato juice & add half slice of lemon in it then mix it well & apply it on your tan area..
The silica present in cucumber juice helps to repair skin tissues & vitamin C helps to lighten your skin..Potato is rich in nutrients & bleaching elements that helps to lighten your skin tone & helps to nourish your skin...The citric acid present in lemon not only helps to remove tan on your skin but also helps to remove acne & lighten the marks of scar..
Except these remedies you always wear a good SPF sunscreen before to go on sunlight ..Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from UV rays & helps your skin fresh & healthy..A good type of sunscreen is very important to our daily life..I will suggest you Neutrogena SPF 50+ sunblock ..



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