How to make eggless butterscotch cake/pastry

Hi all..In this topic i am going to tell you how to make butterscotch cake/pastry without oven/with oven..

Ingredients required:

3/4 cup powdered sugar

3/4 cup milk

2 teaspoon vinegar

1+1/4 cup of all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 cup of oil 

2 teaspoon butterscotch essence 

4 drops of yellow food color

For butterscotch praline:

1/2 cup of sugar

1/4 cups of mixed nuts (cashew,almond,peanut)

2 tablespoon of water

For butterscotch sauce:

1/2 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of butter

1/2 cup fresh cream


-First we make the butter milk,For this take 3/4 cup of milk & add 2 teaspoon of vinegar then mix it well..

-After this take a bowl & add  all purpose flour,powdered sugar,baking powder,baking soda & mix it..

-Then add butter milk & oil ,mix all,then add butterscotch essence & yellow food color & mix it well ..

-Take a 6 inch of cake mould,pour the batter in to it then heat up a pressure cooker or pan for 6 to 7 minutes in medium flame then place the mould inside the pan & cook it for 50 to 55 minutes or bake it in 180 degree preheated oven for 30 minutes..

-For butterscotch praline take a pan into gas put sugar then add 2 tablespoon of water & let it caramelized then add the cashew,almond,peanut & mix it..

-Spread the mixture to a baking paper & let it cool completely..Then break it into small pieces,crush it...

-After 50 to 55 minutes your cake is ready & let the cake cool completely..

-For butterscotch caramel sauce you have to take  a pan,put sugar into it then caramelized it ,add butter & fresh creme mix it well ,let it cool..Put the sauce into a piping bag for decoration..

-Then cut the cake into 3 pieces & then take one part of cake & sprinkle some sugar syrup over it..then apply a thick whipped creme (250 ml of whipped creme+few drops of yellow food color+some butterscotch essence) above it,then put another part of the cake on it & again also sprinkle the sugar syrup over it & apply a thick creme, again put third part of the cake then cover the whole cake with the whipped creme..

-Then sprinkle the praline on the cake & decorate with the sauce..

Your butterscotch cake/pastry is ready to serve..



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